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I read a quote the other day that said No amount of worrying is going to change the outcome of whatever is going to happen. I also recall in the depths of my own sadness and perpetual worry, someone who was tired of me, asked me, Are you going to be forever a worrier, or are you going to be a warrior?
Middle of Nowhere
We had boxes and boxes of these episodes on cassette, organized alphabetically by show title. Most of these we never listened to again. When we did replay them, we realized that they were mostly just filled with really bad spy show sound effects.
Still, there we were, not only watching Head but stopping the VHS player every thirty seconds to write down the dialogue, verbatim, into our notebook.
Mom’s Underwear
We had my mom’s lingeré on a bent metal hanger lowered down with some string so that the men could get a closer look but not too close since they needed to buy it if they wanted to keep it.
The Monkees
Mom didn’t get it. We continued to spend hours each day in the “studio” perfecting the songs, re-recording ones on which you could hear the real Micky Dolenz in the background. Soon, we had piles of audio tapes and no one to give them to.
City by the Bay
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Someone who was tired of me, asked me, Are you going to be forever a worrier, or are you going to be a warrior?
Broken Glass
My mom had told us to clean up the broken glass, and we had started to explain in weird deep voices about the getaway tunnel, and Napoleon Solo was just about to escape from his captives, and then we’d clean it up. She didn’t care.
Liminal Space
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The Serbia Project
The Serbia Project is here. An amateur research project in linguistics and anthropology.
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